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Scacciaguai - Barga


Good to Know

Garfagnana - Toscana

Scacciaguai - Barga

Are you traveling in Italy and passing through Barga ? Do you want to live an experience utterly tasteful with local food ? Don’t miss Scacciaguai restaurant !

Barga is a gorgeous village of medieval origins located in Garfagana, one of the most beautiful Italian lands enclosed between Alpi Apuane and Apennino centrale. In this zone the environment is unbelievable and of course food and wine is a must.

In Barga pasta and meat are the most important ingredients of fabulous local dishes, all accompanied by tasty sauces and vegetables, all cooked with particular recipes and sometimes of ancient tradition.

So as first course we have tasted for you two different kinds of pasta homemade with special recipes: Tagliatella di pasta fresca all’uovo con ragù bianco di cinta, funghi porcini e peporino and Spaghetti alla chitarra con crema di peperoni, straciatella di burrata e crumble di pane al basilico.

As second course we tasted meat dishes and specifically: Guancia di Manzo al vino rosso cotta sottovuoto con purea di sedano rapa and Tagliata di Manzo con sale lavico nero e riduzione di aceto balsamico e zenzero. These two second courses were accompanied by a bowl of unbelievable Pomoodori gratinati and Cipollotti in agrodolce (onions usually cooked in a saucepan with red wine vinegar, sugar and some butter).

Then we finished our dinner with two fantastic desserts.


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