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Sartirana Lomellina

Sartirana Lomellina

Sartirana Lomellina

Sartirana Lomellina is a tiny village in the southern part of Lombardia region, close to the border with Piemonte region, marked by Po river. This village is characterized by the presence of a castle and a church. The first called Castello di Sartirana, was built in the Middle Ages (at the end of 1300’s) by Visconti family and then upgraded by Sforza family (at the end of 1400’s). After the second World War the castle has become a private estate. It can be visited and hosts several cultural expositions. The building is characterized by a big tower and by the presence of stables and rice warehouses perfectly restored, with a beautiful courtyard and used to organize some special events. Close to the castle is present the Santa Maria Assunta church built on the second part of year 1400. It is a good example of Romanic Art that means “simple beauty”. Inside it hosts a lots of valuable artistic works.

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