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Pianosa Boa SP3 dive

Elba island - Pianosa protected marine park

Pianosa Boa SP3

In Elba island it is possible to find some of the most magnificent diving sites of Italy. The Pianosa island dive sites are situated in a protected marine park area that permit to preserve the marine species and always offer a spectacular views. The location of island create the perfect habitat for a lot of marine living beings

The “Boa SP3” dive is also called “secca delle aquile” (shoal of eagles) because during summer months it is possible to see common eagle ray (Myliobatis Aquila).

During the dive, It is possible to admire large specimens of brown grouper, some of which are so confident that they get close to divers.

Arround the shoal are often found schools of barracuda, snapper and amberjack.

In some areas fishes are hiding and swimming in the oceanic posidonia that is present on some areas of the shoal.

The huge ammount of marine species that is possible to see, makes this dive one of the most beautiful of the mediterranean sea. for those who are passionate about diving, it is a “must do” dive.

Please, do not hesitate to ask for more info on how to experience this beautiful dive using the info box!

Good to Know

Max depth
The max deph is -40 meters, but even staying at -18 meters it is possible to admire a lot of marine species
Preparation - Patent
Open water or deep diving patent required, depending on the max depth reached.
Equipment needed
All the standard diving equipment. Flashlight.
The visibility is often good
It's always kindly suggested to be careful with marine species. Never exceed the capability of your patent

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